شنبه ۶ مرداد ۱۴۰۳
Discover the top hospitals in Iran
Iran boasts a well-developed healthcare system with a growing network of modern hospitals. These institutions offer high-quality medical care across various specialties, attracting patients from within the country and abroad. If you're seeking exceptional medical treatment in Iran, this guide will introduce you to some of the top hospitals:
Gilsonite and its application in asphalting
Gilsonite, also known as uintaite, is a naturally occurring solid hydrocarbon mineral found in various parts of the world, with significant deposits located in the Uinta Basin in northeastern Utah, United States. It is a type of asphaltite, which means it's a solid form of petroleum.
The credentials of Gholamreza Tajgerdoun were approved

The credentials of Gholamreza Tajgerdoun were approved During this meeting, Faramarz Shahsawari read the report of the 12th branch of the review of the credentials of the elected officials as follows: Fazlullah suffers Abdul Reza Masri Behnam Rizvani Musa Ahmadi Vahid Ahmadi Ali Emami Rad Seyyed Mohammad Mohd Mansour Shokrollahi Gholamreza Tajgerdon Ramzan Ali Sangdwini

Freepik copyright license

Freepik copyright license Is Freepik premium copyright free? Freepik is a graphic search engine for better access to quality resources such as images, vectors, icons and layered files. This website was established in 2010. And now it is recognized as the top site in this field.     Users can easily download and use layered

Shorter neck than artificial intelligence in virtual space

Shorter neck than artificial intelligence in virtual space Our story today is the false excitement of the sell-off in the US stock markets following the explosion at the Pentagon, this is the story of governments defrauding their people. News sources have reported that rumors of an explosion near the Pentagon caused a wave of selling

The Islamic Republic of Iran does not accept 60% enrichment!!

The Islamic Republic of Iran does not accept 60% enrichment!! Once upon a time, people were trying to achieve 100% uranium enrichment and their enemies understood this importance. Their enemies lined up, they came and put a contract on the table, they said we will allow you to do 60% enrichment but in return accept

Your dirty napkin will not be cleaned by anything

Your dirty napkin will not be cleaned by anything Some people commit treason, chaos, looting and murder inside the country. In their own confessions, they want to overthrow the Islamic Republic of Iran with these anomalies, and in this way they commit any kind of treason. It has been a while since the time of

What is Chat GPT? What is the use of ChatGPT?

What is Chat GPT? What is the use of ChatGPT? If you are a little familiar with today’s digital world, you are undoubtedly familiar with the term artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is one of the most important factors of technological progress, which is designed and used with the aim of making people’s lives easier. Chat

Urban war in France by the Kurds

Urban war in France by the Kurds We visit Europe and France, a person whose identity and image have not been published, shot and killed a number of Kurds in a ceremony held by the P.K.K. became. It doesn’t matter if the urban war continues or not, the important thing is that these days it

how many days are the side effects of quitting smoking?

millions of people know from their personal experience that smoking is a hard habit. the reason is nicotine addictiveness. although high nicotine levels are not as impressive as cocaine or heroin, it is equally addictive to illicit drugs. quitting nicotine is very hard. that’s why many smokers struggle many times before they finally leave it

Faraz University will accept 1400 students in the semester of October

Faraz University will accept 1400 students in the semester of October. Meanwhile, Faraz University will accept students in the following fields with a 100% discount for the families of martyrs and veterans in the following semesters, under the auspices of the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee and the Welfare and Sports Elite. Faraz # Gachsaran non-profit

Rouhani congratulates Lebanese Independence Day

In the message addressed to Michel Aoun, his  Lebanese counterpart,  President Rouhani congratulated the government and nation of Lebanon and wished them health and success. Noting Lebanon has endured difficult days over past year, the President in his message added, “But resistance, brought pride to Lebanon and showed the world that the path of dignity, independence and prosperity of Lebanon during the presidency of His

Sayed Ghodratollah Hosseinipour, a candidate for Majlis
Change the Rail / Anecdote of Incompetent Managers in Gachsaran

Sayed Ghodratollah Hosseinipour, a candidate for Majlis in the Gachsaran and Bahti constituency, commemorates the great Fajr decade of Sheikh Mamou, although the disadvantages are said in these circles and divergences and the deviation from the role that Imam Rahel has. Drawing said and endorsed by His Majesty, these are some of the things that

Some are trying to confiscate the services of the system in their own name

Some are always trying to confiscate the services of the Islamic Republic in their own name. The Islamic Republic of Iran has consistently provided unparalleled service to people and society in various fields over the past 40 years, providing services to any government that has worked and programs implemented in previous governments. They had either

Zarif reiterates consequences of US economic terrorism on Iranians

Tehran, Aug 16, IRNA – Iranian foreign minister in a message referred to an article released by ‘Foreign Policy’ as indicating impact of Trump administration’s economic terrorism on Iranian people. “Don’t take it just from me: foreignpolicy.com/2019/08/14/u-s-sanctions-are-killing-cancer-patients-in-iran/ illustrates one impact of the Trump administration’s #EconomicTerrorism on Iranians; from those directly involved in producing medicine for cancer patients,”

Several dance theater performs from the rainy life on stage

A few dreams theater of rainy life directed by Davoud Parsa and writer Reza Goshtasb on the 17th and 18th of Esfand at 18:00 in the hall of Plato Shahid Mandenizadeh Department of Islamic Culture and Guidance goes on stage. The actors with disabilities and healthy actors, Abu Zar Afaridun, Zainab Naraki, Amin Kaidi, Mehrzad

Take your foot off of money laundering

Instead of asking Europe and the United States to do something evil, protect the terrorists and impose a war on the people of the region, the foreign secretary accused them of money laundering, asking experts who are asking for a document, asking where you want to get an excuse from the West.
